Salam my friends. How are you? I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Our weekend was busy as usual. The kids went fishing with their dad on Saturday, which was fun except for the part of waking up at 3: 30 am to get ready. They came home exhausted but proud of their catch. They brought home 5 large rock fish! On Sunday, we enjoyed a pool party with the family to celebrate my son’s graduation from middle school. I have 2 high schoolers now! May Allah Bless them ……..and help me!
In preparation for the grand opening of my Etsy shop, where I will be selling Islamic calligraphy stencils & decals, I want to share with you some helpful application tips. Today I will show you how to apply a vinyl stencil for etching Islamic calligraphy onto a mirror.
1. Start with a clean, dry surface.
2. Position the stencil where you want it, then tape it down in the middle with a long strip of masking tape. Make sure the calligraphy is centered and leveled before you proceed.
3. Bend the stencil to expose the paper backing.
4. Peel back the paper backing to expose the vinyl stencil. Once you get to where you have taped the stencil, cut the paper backing off.
5. Carefully smooth the vinyl down with a squeegee or credit card to avoid air bubbles.
6. Take the masking tape off, then remove the rest of the paper backing off from the transfer paper.
7. Carefully smooth the vinyl back down.
8.Slowly peel away the application tape to expose the stencil. Start at one corner then slowly peel away the transfer paper working your way in a diagonal line. As you are peeling it away, if the vinyl does not attach to the surface, cover it again with the transfer paper, rub it with a credit card, and then peel again.
9. Before you apply the etching cream, you need to tape around your stencil to protect against accidental etching of areas outside the stencil.
10. I used Martha Stewart Frost Etching effect mixed with a bit of yellow for color. Once it dries, slowly peel off the stencil.
To apply my Islamic calligraphy decals, simple follow steps 1-8
Important note: Once the vinyl stencil or decal is applied to a surface (except for canvas), it can not be repositioned or removed without damage.
I am planning a grand opening for my Etsy shop very soon, so stay tuned!
*Etsy shop now open. Enter here
lama says
Thank you Asma for your kind words. Yes, I use a special machine to cut my stencils & decals. If you are interested in purchasing any, I will be more than happy to provide them. Please visit my shop here
asma says
Assalam alekum mashallah lovereeellyyyy work
was wondering how do u make these ? Like do u use a special machine or something”
lama says
Etching cream needs to be washed off, but I used Martha Stewart Frost Etching Effect mixed with a bit of color.This does not need to be washed off!I waited for it to dry, then carefully peeled off the stencil. Use a stencil brush and don’t overload it with paint. Unlike etching cream, if you do not like the final look, you can simply wash it off and start over…..with a new stencil of course. I hope this helps.
Tamra says
Asalamualaikum- How do you remove the etching cream? It doesn’t really dry up or anything. So do you wash it off under running water while the stencil is still on? Or do you remove the stencil and them wash away the cream? JazakeAllah khair for your tutorial.
lama says
Yes inshallah. Are you looking for any specific quote that I can make for you?
Monica says
Jazakallah Khayr Lama, will you be selling stencils etc at your online shop?