Salaam my friends. Today I’ll be sharing a stencil project idea from one of my creative customers. Huma purchased a large Bismillah stencil to use over an oversized mirror. She was looking to jazz up her living room with a unique piece of accessory.
What’s more unique than a piece that you create yourself? Take a look at this beauty…
Carbon/graphite paper
Masking tape
Glass paint (Frida pearl effect from Jerry’s Artarama)
Standard painting brush
Pebeo outline (Copper shade)
Step 1: Measure the mirror and decide on the best location to place the calligraphy.
Step 2: Adjust the graphite paper with masking tape on the mirror
Step 3: Place the stencil over the graphite paper, secure it in place with masking tape then trace the calligraphy with a pencil
Step 4: Outline the calligraphy using the Pebeo tube. Wait for it to dry overnight
Step 5: Apply the paint over the mirror using a circular motion. Do three to four coatings. It will start to crystallize as it dries. Keep applying the paint until it is well crystallized.
According to Huma, this is her favorite method for stenciling on mirrors. She recommends that anyone who’s interested in trying this project to practice using the Pebeo outline because it could be the trickiest part of the project.
This is such a creative stenciling technique for smooth surfaces that I’d like to try. Great work Huma! And Thank you for sharing your creative stencil project idea with us.
P.S. If you purchased any of my Arabic stencils and want to share your stencil project idea with us, I would love to feature you. Contact me here
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