Salam everyone. How are you? I took some time off to recover from my trip to Umra during spring break . I feel better now and ready to get back to work. 🙂
Today, I want to share with you something that I find special and unique. Something that I did not appreciate when I was younger because I did not understand its value! It has to do with this….
This dress ( Thawb) was given to me as a wedding gift from my parents. Its value is in the handmade cross stitched Palestinian embroidery also known as Tatreez.
As a young bride, that was not a dress I would want to wear because I associated it with older women. But it was a gift, so I kept it. 🙂
Over the years, I have only worn that dress for special occasions because I considered it something traditional and unique. According to Asalah magazine:  “Traditionally, embroidery was the principal decoration of rural Palestinian women’s clothing. It was part of a village woman’s daily routine and a means of showing off her personal skills and social identity. The various colors, patterns and styles of dress reflected a woman’s social standing, marital status and wealth”.
Another fascinating fact about Palestinian embroidery is that each region in Palestine has its distinctive embroidery pattern. The examples I am sharing below are from two Palestinian cities; Â Gaza and Ramallah. Â {photos from the book: Palestinian Tatreez by Widad Qawar and Tanya Naser}
While Palestinian Embroidery may have its roots in traditional dresses, it is not limited to that. Take a look at these home furniture and accessories adorned with Palestinian embroidery….
And this is how I use Palestinian embroidery in my home….
I have grown to appreciate Palestinian embroidery because it is part of my heritage. My parents are both Palestinian who have immigrated to Jordan after the Israeli occupation. But, even if you have no connection to Palestine, I believe that the harmony between the colors and the mixing of the patterns, truly reflect an artistic touch. Don’t you agree?
The book in the article was gifted to me years ago but if you google the writer’s names then hopefully you can find a place that sells it (or something similar to it). The writer’s are Widad Qawar and Tanya Naser.
Where can i buy tatrezz pattern book of how to do design please.
Hey Lama,
I am really into flipping old furniture and reupholstering horrible chairs to make them into something new that I love. I have been dying to make something with the Palestinian Tatreez, but don’t know where to start with the fabric or with the tatreez patterns. Any suggestions? I’ve been wanting to even go as far to stitching my own patterns but haven’t found any nice pattern templates.
Any suggestions you have are helpful 🙂
Ya hala Muna! I am glad to find you here.I love those two chairs as well.Now that I know how to reupholster a chair, I think I am going to try to make my own. Once I find the right Palestinian embroidery fabric, that is. 🙂 Thanks for visiting
Lama, mabrookeh el Umra, maqbooleh INSHAALLAH 🙂 Thank you for sharing the Art of Tatreez ,, I’m like you, don’t wear much Tatreez outfits, but Looooove the house decoration pieces ,,,i have many pieces around the house, all hand made my mom did for me, they add a unique touch to any room,,priceless !!! These days you see the very traditional pieces and the contemporary ones too that fits any house style. And I LOVE those two chairs you posted,, thank you again Lama